Dr. R. Suresh
Dean, C.A.E. and Professor & Head
Soil & Water Engineering
Academic Detail
Contact Details
Academic Detail
- B. Tech. in Agricultural Engineering: Allahabad Agricultural Institute, Allahabad (U.P.)
- M. Tech. in Soil & Water Engineering: Punjab Agricultural University , Ludhiana (Punjab)
- Ph.D. in Soil & Water Conservation Engineering: G.B. Pant Univ. of Agriculture & Technology, Pantnagar (U.K.)
- Research Area: Irrigation & Drainage and Soil & Water Conservation
- Research Interests: Soil & Water Engineering – Micro Irrigation and Protected Cultivation
- Suresh, R., Shakya, S.K. and Singh, S.R.(1988). Design of multiple well point system and cost estimation. Indian Journal .of Power & River Valley Development. June, pp 199-201
- Suresh, R. (1990). Feasible irrigation techniques for north Bihar. Indian farming. March, pp: 22-23
- Suresh, R. (1990). Multiple well point systems for efficient drainage. Indian Farming. June, pp: 26-27.
- Suresh, R. and Shakya, S.K. (1991). Steady flow towards multiple well point systems in confined aquifer. J Agricultural Engg.S.A.E. Vol. XXVIII (1-4), March –Dec. pp 52-60.
- Suresh R., Singh, R. P. and Prasad, R.(1992). Probability analysis of annual maximum daily rainfall data for Pusa farm (Bihar). Indian J of Power & River Valley Development, Jan., pp14-17.
- Verma R.K., Rai, R.K., Prasad, R. and Suresh, R. (1992). Water transmission characteristics of chaur land in north Bihar. Indian J of Soil Science. 40; pp 663 – 666.
- Suresh R., Kumar D., Prasad R. and Rai R.K.(1992).A note on analysis of rainfall for crop planning at Pusa, Bihar. Indian J. of Soil Conservation. Vol. 20(3) : pp 23-27.
- Suresh, R. and Thakur A.K. (1993). Statistical evaluation of extreme events and their effects on rainfall parameters at Pusa, Samastipur. of Indian Water Resources Society, Roorkee. Vol. 13 (1& 2), Jan. & April. , pp 78-81.
- Suresh, R. and Shakya S.K. (1993). Suitability of multiple well point system for reclaiming the soil of south west part of Punjab. Indian of Power & River Valley Development, Vol.XLIII (2&3). Feb-March. Pp 41-44.
- Suresh, R. ,Kumar N and Prasad R. (1993). Rainfall Analysis for Drought study at Pusa Bihar. J of Agril. Engg. June 3(1-2): pp 77-82.
- Suresh, R., Das G and Singh J.K. (1999). Evaluation of Factor-C in Universal Soil Loss Equation of some common vegetations of Kumaon Hills. J of Indian Water Resources Society.19 (4): pp 22-31.
- Suresh, R., Das G. and Singh J. K. (2000) .Soil loss potential of various orchards activities in a watershed of Kumaon Hills (U.P.). Journal of Indian Water Resources Society.20 (2): pp84-91
- Suresh, R., Das. G. and Singh, J. K. (2001) Estimation of soil loss of various cultivated crops in Naurar Watershed of Kumaon Hills (U.P.). Journal of Indian Water Resources Society.21 (1): pp24-33
- Suresh, R., Das G. and Singh J.K. (2002) Estimation of soil loss generating potential of various land use activities in Naurar Watershed of Ramganga Catchment, U.P. (India). Journal of Indian Water Resources Society.22 (3): pp 107-116.
- Suresh, R. (2003) Probability model for predicting annual maximum daily rainfall. Indian J of Soil Conservation.31 (1), pp 84 -85.
- Suresh R. and Saha D.P. (2004). Effect of mulching and drip irrigation on papaya crop in calcareous soil of north Bihar. Progressive Horticulture, Hill Horticulture Development Society. Vol. 36 (1) pp 76-81.
- Kumari, M. and Suresh R. (2005). Drip irrigation in vegetable crops in calcareous soil of North Bihar. Indian Farming. Vol.54 (10), pp 19-21; January
- Suresh, R, Das G and Yadav R. S. (2004) Optimal Land use Planning Model for a Watershed in Kumaon Hills, Uttaranchal (India). SAARC Jn of Agriculture; Vol. (2) ; pp 191-210
- Suresh R. Das G and Yadav R. S. (2005). Soil loss minimization model for cultivated crop lands of a watershed in Kumaon Hills (Uttaranchal) India. Institution of Engineer’s (India). Vol. 86, pp 34-39, July.
- Deepak Kumar, Jan Adamowski, Ram Suresh and Bogdan Ozga-Zielinski (2016). Estimating Evapotranspiration Using an Extreme Learning Machine Model: case study in North Bihar, India. J. Irrig. Drain Eng, ASCE pp 04016032-1 to 9.
- Jeetendra Kumar, R. Suresh and D .Kumar (2017). Comparison of Reference Evapotranspiration Determining Methods Using Climatic data of Pusa. Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. App. Sci (2017), pp 627-637.
- Nirala, S.K., Suresh R. and Kumar S (2018). Fertigation effect on Carnation under Polyhouse in North- Bihar Agro- climatic conditions. Int J. of Current microbiology and applied sciences . Vol 7 (08).
- Soil & Water Conservation Engineering (4th Eds). Standard Publishers Distributors, 1705-B, Nai Sarak Delhi. (2003).
- Watershed Hydrology (2nd Eds). Standard Publishers Distributors, 1705-B, Nai Sarak, Delhi (2005).
- Krishi Abhiyantran (Hindi). Saroj Prakashan, Allahabad, U.P., (1996).
- An Objective Review In Soil & Water Engineering. Standard Publishers Distributors, 1705-B, Nai Sarak, Delhi (2002).
- Objective and Solved Problems In Farm Power and Machinery Engineering, Standard Publishers Distributors 1705-B, Nai Sarak, Delhi.(2003).
- Land and Water Management Engineering. Standard Publishers Distributors 1705-B, Nai Sarak, Delhi.(2008).
- Micro irrigation – Theory and Practice. Standard Publishers Distributors 1705-B, Nai Sarak, Delhi.(2010).
- Watershed Planning and Management. Standard Publishers Distributors 1705-B, Nai Sarak, Delhi.(2017).
Contact Details
Mobile No. – 9934832677
Email Id – rsuresh@gmail.com | rsuresh@rpcau.ac.in