Dr. Rajendra Prasad Central Agricultural University
Pusa, Samastipur – 848 125, Bihar, India


International Day of Yoga 2018


International Yoga Day Celebration on 21st June, 2018 at Dr. Rajendra Prasad Central Agricultural University,
Pusa, Samastipur, Bihar

Programme of events (Minute to Minute)

S.No. Programme Time
1. Registeration 05.30 am to 05.45 am
2. Inaugural session
a. Welcome of Chief Guest 05.45 am to 05.50 am
b. Lighting of Lamp 05.50 am to 05.55 am
c. Address by the Chief Guest 05.55 am to 06.00 am
3. Start of Yoga activities 06.00 am to 06.45 am
a. Basic instruction
b. Practice of Yogasana/yoga postures
c. Practice of Pranayama
d. Rest in Sawasana/Yoganidra
4. Vote of Thanks 06.45 am to 06.50 am
5. Refreshments 06.50 am to 07.00 am
6. Seminar on Yoga (at Vidyapati Bhavan) 11.45 am to 01.00 pm
7. Distribution of Prizes/Certificate 01.00 pm to 01.15 pm
8. Vote of thanks and Tea Session 01.15 pm to 01.30 pm


Rajeev Kumar
(Asst. Professor ABMB) &
Organizing Secretary

Download Common Yoga Protocol in English

Download Common Yoga Protocol in Hindi[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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