Dr. Rajendra Prasad Central Agricultural University
Pusa, Samastipur – 848 125, Bihar, India




55th Annual Convention of Indian Society of Agricultural Engineers
International Symposium

Date: November 23-25, 2021

Venue: Patna, Bihar 

Welcome to ISAE
55th Annual Convention
Indian Society of Agricultural Engineers
On “Challenges and Technological Solutions for Ensuring Food, Water and Energy Security” & International Symposium on “Emerging Trends in Agricultural Engineering Education, Research and Extension”

Organized by

Indian Society of Agricultural Engineers, New Delhi

Dr. Rajendra Prasad Central Agricultural University, Pusa, Samastipur, Bihar – 848125 &

Bihar Agriculture Management & Extension Training Institute, BAMETI, Patna, Bihar – 801506

Registration Link: 
[button style=”btn-success btn-sm” type=”link” target=”true” title=”Click here for more details” link=”https://rpcau.panduiprasth.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Registarion-form-and-Step-wise-instructions-for-online-registration-1.pdf” linkrel=””]
Plenary Session (Inaugural Session; Government Session; Industry Session; Plenary Session (Inaugural Session; Government Session; Industry Session; International Symposium & GBM)
Venue: Gyan Bhawan, Patna
23rd November 2021
[button style=”btn-success btn-sm” type=”link” target=”false” title=”Click Here To Join” link=”https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82633043444?pwd=eTFORTVzSmZvVlZtOVhJZjBUbWdvZz09″ linkrel=””]
Password: isae2021
Day 2 & 3: Technical Session
Venue: BAMETI, Patna
24th Nov- 25th Nov 2021Password: isae2021
Farm Machinery and Power
Date24th Nov- 25th Nov 2021
[button style=”btn-success btn-sm” type=”link” target=”false” title=”Click Here To Join” link=”https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89702694180?pwd=cEhmRVk2OERPTGM3aWxYVWoxYUV6UT09″ linkrel=””]

Soil and Water Engineering
Date24th Nov- 25th Nov 2021
[button style=”btn-success btn-sm” type=”link” target=”false” title=”Click Here To Join” link=”https://us05web.zoom.us/j/86241680926?pwd=S3pZS2ZST2FXamlueXJENTA5SWpjZz09″ linkrel=””]

Processing, Dairy and Food Engineering
Date24th Nov- 25th Nov 2021
[button style=”btn-success btn-sm” type=”link” target=”false” title=”Click Here To Join” link=”https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87107913850?pwd=OXJibWhvdGlqVk8wTDdMVkpmMDMwQT09″ linkrel=””] 

Energy & Other Areas
Date24th Nov- 25th Nov 2021
[button style=”btn-success btn-sm” type=”link” target=”false” title=”Click Here To Join” link=”https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89846695899?pwd=U0NKeTNWdWloalpSZGtsZEVNSzBkQT09″ linkrel=””] 

Day 3: Valedictory Session
25th November 2021
[button style=”btn-success btn-sm” type=”link” target=”false” title=”Click Here To Join” link=”https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82633043444?pwd=eTFORTVzSmZvVlZtOVhJZjBUbWdvZz09″ linkrel=””]
Password: isae2021

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”Important Circulars” use_theme_fonts=”yes”]

Revised Tentative Schedule21.11.2021
Revised list of accepted papers for oral presentation21.11.2021
Tentative Schedule19.11.2021
List of accepted papers for oral presentation19.11.2021
Availability and Booking of Hotel for Accommodation- Updated01.11.2021
4th Circular of ISAE Annual Convention, 202105.10.2021
Availability and Booking of Hotel for Accommodation01.10.2021
3rd Circular of ISAE Annual Convention, 202116.09.2021
2nd Circular of ISAE Annual Convention, 202131.08.2021
ISAE Convention 2021- Circular11.07.2021
Notice - 55th Annual Convention of Indian Society of Agricultural Engineers(ISAE) & International Symposium19.12.2020
First Circular20.10.2020


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