20/03/2024 ⦿ Shudhipatra-2 for Notice Inviting e-Tender for various Civil & Electrical works RPCAU, Pusa
18/03/2024 ⦿ शुद्विपत्र – (ई.निविदा संख्या 02/2023-24, दिनांक 14.03.2024 से प्रकाशित निविदा के ग्रुप संख्या-24 के प्राक्कलित राशि के संबंध में RPCAU, Pusa
28/03/2024 ⦿ Advertisement Notice for the post of Senior Research Fellow (SRF)-Plant Breeding on purely temporary basis against Advt. No. X/Rectt./08/Temp./RPCAU/2024 RPCAU, Pusa
28/03/2024 ⦿ Advertisement Notice for the post of Senior Research Fellow (SRF)-Plant Breeding on purely temporary basis against Advt. No. X/Rectt./08/Temp./RPCAU/2024 RPCAU, Pusa