Dr. Rajendra Prasad Central Agricultural University
Pusa, Samastipur – 848 125, Bihar, India


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Tirhut College of Agriculture, Dholi

The long cherished desire of agricultural community of mithilanchal (north Bihar) was fulfilled on 18 th August 1960 when the foundation stone of Tirhut College of Agriculture, Dholi in the district Muzaffarpur was laid down by the first Chief Minister of Bihar Late Dr. Srikrishna Singh. The aspirations from the College were deployment of excellent source of agricultural knowledge and transformation of this vast fertile track of land of north Bihar in to granary of India to make the people happier.  Read More[/vc_column_text][/porto_content_box][porto_content_box skin=”primary” bg_type=”featured-boxes-custom” align=”justify” box_style=”featured-boxes-style-8″ show_icon=”yes” icon_type=”image” bg_top_color=”#568ebf” icon_image=”313″][vc_column_text]

College of Agricultural Engineering, Pusa

The college was established on 07.12.1983 with the approval of I.C.A.R. and Government of Bihar. The College is located at Pusa (Dist. Samastipur) within the campus of Rajendra Agricultural University, popularly known as “Pusa Farm”. It is about 100 km from Patna, 18 km from Samastipur, 35 km from Muzaffarpur and 40 km from darbhanga. The nearest railway station is “Khudi Ram Bose Pusa”.  Read More[/vc_column_text][/porto_content_box][porto_content_box skin=”primary” bg_type=”featured-boxes-custom” align=”left” box_style=”featured-boxes-style-8″ show_icon=”yes” icon_type=”image” bg_top_color=”#568ebf” icon_image=”317″][vc_column_text]

College of Home Science, Pusa

The College of Home Science was instituted in the year 1982. This college stands for a socially relevant education that awakens the students’ sense of social responsibility to reach out and share their knowledge and skills with vulnerable sections of society. The College is located at Pusa (Dist. Samastipur) within the campus of Rajendra Agricultural University popularly known as “Pusa Farm”. It is about 100 km from Patna, 18 km from Samastipur, 35 km from Muzaffarpur and 40 km from darbhanga.   Read More[/vc_column_text][/porto_content_box][porto_content_box skin=”primary” bg_type=”featured-boxes-custom” align=”left” box_style=”featured-boxes-style-8″ show_icon=”yes” icon_type=”image” bg_top_color=”#568ebf” icon_image=”161″][vc_column_text]

College of Basic Sciences & Humanities, Pusa

College of Basic Sciences & Humanities was established in Rajendra Agricultural University, Pusa in November, 1981 with the objective to strengthen the teaching and research programme in different disciplines of basic sciences so that it can act as a strong supporting programme for the other faculties.   Read More[/vc_column_text][/porto_content_box][porto_price_boxes style=”flat” size=”sm” count_md=”2″ count_sm=”1″ space=”yes”][porto_price_box skin=”primary” title=”College of Agricultural Engineering, Pusa” btn_link=”url:http%3A%2F%2Frpcau.panduiprasth.com%2Fcolleges%2Fcollege-of-agricultural-engineering%2F|||”]

The college was established on 07.12.1983 with the approval of I.C.A.R. and Government of Bihar. The College is located at Pusa (Dist. Samastipur) within the campus of Rajendra Agricultural University, popularly known as “Pusa Farm”. It is about 100 km from Patna, 18 km from Samastipur, 35 km from Muzaffarpur and 40 km from darbhanga. The nearest railway station is “Khudi Ram Bose Pusa”.  Read More

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The long cherished desire of agricultural community of mithilanchal (north Bihar) was fulfilled on 18 th August 1960 when the foundation stone of Tirhut College of Agriculture, Dholi in the district Muzaffarpur was laid down by the first Chief Minister of Bihar Late Dr. Srikrishna Singh.   Read More

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